The Bitter Truth Peach Bitters Illustration with Peaches
Cocktail Bitters

Peach Bitters

A Classic Style of Peach Bitters

Peach Bitters were a classic style of bitters popular in the 19th-century during the first golden age of the cocktail but became defunct when more streamline tastes were in fashion. Although peach bitters never reached the popularity of orange bitters, they were one of the wider used bitters in classic cocktails.

The Bitter Truth Peach Bitters are a contemporary interpretation of this classic style of bitters and are made from natural ingredients. The Bitter Truth Peach Bitters are fresh and fruity with intense, candied peach notes, backed by a seducing hint of almonds.

They work especially well with aged spirits such as cognac and bourbon whiskey. A Mint Julep will be lifted to new heights. The combination of fresh peach and subtle spice notes add an exquisite fruitiness and complexity to cocktails and long drinks.

Product Information: 39% Alcohol by Volume

Bitters & Waters

Peach Bitters

Peach Bitters waren ein klassischer Cocktail Bitters-Stil, der im 19. Jahrhundert während des ersten goldenen Zeitalters des Cocktails sehr beliebt war. Obwohl Peach Bitters nie die Popularität von Orange Bitters oder Aromatic Bitters erreichten, gehörten sie doch zu den am weitesten verbreiteten Bitters in klassischen Cocktails.

The Bitter Truth Peach Bitters sind eine zeitgemäße Interpretation dieses klassischen Bitters-Stiles und werden aus natürlichen Zutaten hergestellt. Die Bitter Truth Peach Bitters ist nur dezent bitter, sie sind frisch und fruchtig mit intensiven, kandierten Pfirsichnoten, unterlegt von einem verführerischen Hauch von Mandeln.

The Bitter Truth Peach Bitters funktionieren besonders gut mit gereiften Spirituosen wie Cognac und Bourbon Whiskey. Ein Mint Julep wird auf neue Höhen gehoben. Die Kombination aus frischem Pfirsich und dezenten Gewürznoten verleiht Cocktails und Longdrinks eine exquisite Fruchtigkeit und Komplexität.

Produktinformation: 39% Vol.

Bitters & Waters

Peach Bitters

鲜桃的芬芳搭配隐约的杏仁苦涩, 加上新鲜柑橘和味道低调的香料搭
配,令本款产品成为以任何基酒调制 而成的高杯酒或鸡尾酒的理想伴侣。

规格:200ml 酒精含量:39%。

Bitters & Waters

Peach Bitters

Bitter de Melocotón (Peach) de The Bitter Truth, es una interpretación contemporánea de un estilo clásico de bitter, popular en la primera edad dorada del coctel. Aunque los bitters de melocotón nunca alcanzaron la popularidad de los bitters de naranja, fueron de los bitters más usados.

El Bitter de Melocotón de The Bitter Truth es fresco y afrutado, de intensas notas de melocotón, respaldado por una seductora pizca de almendra. La combinación de aroma de melocotón fresco y sutiles sabores picantes agregan una sonoridad exquisita a los cocteles y long drinks (tragos largos). Se fusiona bien con los espirituosos claros y añejos como el coñac y bourbon whisky. Un Mint Julep llegará a nuevas alturas.

Información del Producto: 39% alcohol por volumen

Nutrition Facts

coloring no
preservatives no
gluten no
allergens (EU-Guideline 2007/68EG) no
GMO (EG Nr. 834/2007) no
vegan/BSE/TSE no material of animal origin used
kosher classification no (considered pareve)
calories 7 kcal by serving size 2,5ml (1/2 tsp)
energy value 1188 kJ/100g
fat (fat-saturated) <0,1% (<0,01%)
carbohydrate (of which sugars) 2,19% (2,19%)
sodium <0,05%
protein 0,2%

Peach Old Fashioned Cocktail on brass plate

The Bitter Truth #13

„Every peach was once a bitter almond.“

Tasting Notes

A natural aroma of fresh peaches dominates while it is completed by fresh citrus, hints of almonds, and unobtrusive spice flavors. On the finish it tails off with a herbaceous, nutty note, leaving more fizzy peach to linger.

The Bitter Truth quickly earned their place behind my bar, but also in my travel bag. And the reason is that in every flavor you pick you’ll find a bitter truth of originality, complexity, and the perfect addition for every cocktail.

Erik Lorincz – Kwānt & formerly Savoy Hotel, London, UK

More Bitters – Choose your spice

Bogart's Bitters bottle iconAromatic Bitters bottle iconChocolate Bitters bottle iconCreole Bitters bottle iconJerry Thomas Bitters bottle iconGrapefruit Bitters bottle iconLemon Bitters bottle iconOrange Bitters bottle iconCherry Bitters bottle iconCelery Bitters bottle iconCucumber Bitters bottle iconOlive Bitters bottle icon

More Bitters – Choose your spice

The Bitter Truth Peach Bitters with Peach Old Fashioned Cocktail

Peach Old Fashioned

45 ml (1 1/2 oz) Bourbon Whiskey
10 ml (1/3 oz) Sugar Syrup (2:1 Sugar:Water)
5 dashes The Bitter Truth Peach Bitters
1 Lemon Slice
1 Orange Slice
1 Peach Slice

Pour all ingredients into a rock glass and stir well. Add ice and stir again.

The Bitter Truth company logo white
More Cocktail Recommendations
Rock Glass Illustration red

Fox River

60 ml (2 oz) Rye or Bourbon Whiskey
15 ml (1/2 oz) Creme de Cacao Liqueur
3-4 dashes The Bitter Truth Peach Bitters
Orange Zest

Shake with ice and strain into a chilled rock glass with ice. Stir again and add orange zest.

Coupette Glass Illustration yellow

Derby Cocktail

60 ml (2 oz) Dry Gin
8 ml (1/4 oz) Sugar Syrup (2:1 Sugar:Water)
3 dashes The Bitter Truth Peach Bitters
1 Mint Sprig

Muddle mint slightly with other ingredients, shake with ice, and strain into a chilled cocktail glass.

Martini Glass Illustration red

Trident Cocktail

30 ml (1 oz) Aquavit
30ml (1 oz) Cynar
30 ml (1 oz) Dry Sherry
2 dashes The Bitter Truth Peach Bitters
Lemon Zest

Stir all ingredients with ice and strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Garnish with lemon zest.

Snifter Glass Illustration green

Missionary’s Downfall

45 ml (1 1/2 oz) Tiki Lovers White Rum
15 ml (1/2 oz ) The Bitter Truth Peach Bitters
15 ml (1/2 oz) Honey Mix (1:1 Honey:Water)
15 ml (1/2 oz ) fresh Lemon Juice
1 large Pineapple Chunk
6 Mint Leaves
2 cups Crushed Ice

Combine all ingredients in a blender, blend for 10 sec and serve in a cocktail or snifter glass. Garnish with mint, powdered sugar, and tropical flower.

Premium Bitters for Better Drinks