The Bitter Truth Celery Bitters Illustration with herbs
Cocktail Bitters

Original Celery Bitters

The Original Savory Bitters

A lost ingredient. Extinct for decades. Now revived to please the most discriminating palates. The Bitter Truth Celery Bitters were the first celery bitters commercially available in decades and have won 2010 „Best New Cocktail Ingredient“ at Tales of The Cocktail, New Orleans.

This cocktail ingredient, which had already existed in the 19th-century, enriches cocktails with unusual savory flavors. The Bitter Truth Celery Bitters have a rich bouquet of white grapes, Sencha tea, lemongrass, celery leaf, and fresh ginger root. It dances artistically on the tongue as well, adding coriander seed, fresh celery, and chicory to the foray.

These bitters are ideal for traditional corpse-reviver cocktails such as the Bloody Mary, Red Snapper, Bullshot, Prairie Oyster, and all-time classics like the Dry Martini Cocktail and Gin & Tonic. They are essential with grassy spirits too! Try a good measure in a Ti Punch for something to make the neighbors envious.

Product Information: 44% Alcohol by Volume

Bitters & Waters

Original Celery Bitters

Als eine einst verlorene Zutat waren The Bitter Truth Celery Bitters die ersten im Handel erhältlichen Selleriebitter seit Jahrzehnten und wurden 2010 als „Best New Cocktail Ingredient“ bei den legendären Tales of The Cocktail in New Orleans/USA, ausgezeichnet.

Diese exotische Cocktailzutat, die es bereits im 19. Jahrhundert gab, bereichert Cocktails mit ungewöhnlich würzigen Aromen. The Bitter Truth Celery Bitters haben ein reiches Bouquet aus weißen Trauben, Sencha-Tee, Zitronengras, Sellerieblatt und frischer Ingwerwurzel. Er tanzt kunstvoll auf der Zunge und fügt dem Streifzug Töne von Koriandersamen, frischem Sellerie und Chicorée hinzu.

The Bitter Truth Celery Bitters sind ideal zur Wiederbelebung für traditionelle Cocktails wie Bloody Mary, Red Snapper, Bullshot, Prairie Oyster geeignet und um Klassikern wie dem Dry Martini Cocktail und Gin & Tonic eine neue Bühne zu geben und sie lassen sich auch mit jeglicher klaren Spirituose, wie Gin, Wodka, Blanco Tequila und weißem Rum kombinieren. Probieren Sie The Bitter Truth Celery Bitters in einem Ti Punch aus, um die Nachbarn neidisch zu machen.

Produktinformation: 44% Vol.

Bitters & Waters

Original Celery Bitters


比特储斯传统芹菜味苦味酒有着白葡萄、煎茶、柠檬 草、芹菜叶和新鲜根姜的诱人气 味。入口回旋,又品味到芫荽子、 鲜芹菜和菊苣的清香。可以尝试添 加到红鲷鱼中,调制血腥玛丽。它 也适合搭配草味的酒。可以尝试在 潘趣(Ti Punch)或者金汤力中加 入一点,就是一杯羡煞旁人的美酒。

规格: 200ml 酒精含量:44%。

Bitters & Waters

Original Celery Bitters

El Bitter de Apio (Celery) de The Bitter Truth tiene un abanico de sabores como la uva blanca, té Sencha, hoja de limón, hoja de apio y raíz fresca de jengibre. Hace malabares artísticamente en la lengua, agregando semilla de cilantro, apio fresco y achicoria. Es obligatorio también con espirituosos herbosos, pruebe una buena medida en un Ti Punch o simplemente unas gotas en un Gin-tonic para poner celosos a los vecinos. Un ingrediente perdido, el difunto durante décadas, el apio, es ahora reavivado para agradar al paladar más exquisito.
El bitter de Apio de The Bitter Truth es el primero en ser propuesto comercialmente en décadas. Este ingrediente de coctel, que ya había existido en el siglo XIX, enriquece los cocteles con sabores inusuales. Es ideal para cocteles tradicionales como el Bloody Mary, Bullshot y Prairie Oyster, así como los cocteles Martini y Gin-tonic.

Información del producto: 44% alcohol por volumen

Nutrition Facts

coloring no
preservatives no
gluten no
allergens (EU-Guideline 2007/68EG) yes (Celery)
GMO (EG Nr. 834/2007) no
vegan/BSE/TSE no material of animal origin used
kosher classification no (considered pareve)
calories 7 kcal by serving size 2,5ml (1/2 tsp)
energy value 1278 kJ/100g
fat (fat-saturated) <0,1% (<0,01%)
carbohydrate (of which sugars) <0,25% (<0,25%)
sodium <0,05%
protein 0,1%

Bloody Mary Cocktail on brass plate

The Bitter Truth #13

„Every peach was once a bitter almond.“

Tasting Notes

Very complex and exotic. The initial flavor of celery is dominant, leading into a complex palate with aromas of lemongrass, orange peel, and ginger.

The vegetal quality these bitters add to cocktails is unique. I’ve found its union with tequila to be nearly perfect. They’re another shining example of the cocktail’s past molding it’s future.

Brian Miller – bartender (formerly Death & Co., The Polynesian NYC), USA

More Bitters – Choose your spice

Bogart's Bitters bottle iconAromatic Bitters bottle iconChocolate Bitters bottle iconCreole Bitters bottle iconJerry Thomas Bitters bottle iconGrapefruit Bitters bottle iconLemon Bitters bottle iconOrange Bitters bottle iconPeach Bitters bottle iconCherry Bitters bottle iconCucumber Bitters bottle iconOlive Bitters bottle icon

More Bitters – Choose your spice

The Bitter Truth Celery Bitters with Bloody Mary Cocktail

Bloody Mary

45 ml (1 1/2 oz) Vodka or Gin
10 ml (1/3 oz) fresh Lemon Juice
3-4 dashes The Bitter Truth Celery Bitters
90 ml (3 oz) Tomato Juice
Tabasco, Worcestershire Sauce, Salt & Pepper

Shake with ice and strain into a highball glass. Garnish with a celery stalk.

The Bitter Truth company logo white
More Cocktail Recommendations
Coupette Glass Illustration orange

Far Beyond The Truth

40 ml (1 1/3 oz) The Bitter Truth Pink Gin
15 ml (1/2 oz) fresh Lime Juice
8 ml (1/4 oz) The Bitter Truth Apricot Liqueur
2 dashes The Bitter Truth Celery Bitters
1 dash The Bitter Truth Lemon Bitters

Shake with ice and strain into a chilled cocktail glass.

Coupette Glass Illustration orange


45 ml (1 1/2 oz) Tiki Lovers White Rum
25 ml (3/4 oz) Fino or Amontillado Sherry
25 ml (3/4 oz) The Bitter Truth Apricot Liqueur
2 dashes The Bitter Truth Celery Bitters
Lemon Zest

Stir with ice, strain into a chilled cocktail glass, and add lemon zest.

Coupette Glass Illustration yellow

King`s Elixir Cocktail

45 ml (1 1/2 oz) The Bitter Truth Pink Gin
15 ml (1/2 oz) Blanc Vermouth
8 ml (1/4 oz) Goldwasser
2 dashes The Bitter Truth Celery Bitters
Lemon Zest

Stir ingredients with ice. Spritz oil of large lemon zest over the chilled cocktail glass. Strain cocktail into the glass.

Highball Glass Illustration lime

The Loop Tonic

60 ml (2 oz) 100% Agave Blanco Tequila
30 ml (1 oz) Dry Vermouth
25 ml (3/4 oz) fresh Lime Juice
15 ml (1/2 oz) Sugar Syrup (2:1 Sugar:Water)
15 ml (1/2 oz) Green Chartreuse
1-2 dashes The Bitter Truth Celery Bitters

Shake with ice and strain into an ice cube filled highball glass. Garnish with a celery stalk.

Premium Bitters for Better Drinks